Listener, The Homeless Gospel Choir, & I Heard a Lion

By Parson (other events)

Friday, November 14 2014 9:00 PM 11:59 PM CDT

listener -

Describing the group Listener, a few years ago, would have involved discussing two guys, a guitar, a macbook, and a washing machine; an explanation that would turn the head of even the most avante-guard fans of music. Listener has now evolved into a full fledged rock and roll power trio with vocalist Dan Smith playing bass and brass, guitarist Christin Nelson behind the mounstrous musical arrangements, and drummer Kris Rochelle pounding the skins as if the ghost of John Bonham haunted his dreams. With thought provoking stage banter, music that keeps your mind busy, and words that quickly take hold of your heart, Listener is a near perfect balance of what words and music are supposed to be.

The Homeless Gospel Choir -

The Homeless gospel Choir (Derek Zanetti) (me) is a one man band from Pittsburgh, PA, who is looking to make honest music that relates to everyone. I try to tour out and be on the road as much as my freedom will let me. All the songs that I play come from an old wooden closet in the basement of my mind, and my hope is to create a way to help others see the beauty in the simple things in life. ALL THESE SONGS ARE PROTEST SONGS. in one way or another, even if I am protesting against my own self. I hope you can grow to love these tunes as much as I do, I think One of them may even be you new favorite song of all time one day.

I Heard A Lion -

I Heard A Lion is an American indie rock band from central Kansas who have been described as "No gimmicks, just soulful Americana." Comprised of band members hailing from California, Texas, and Kansas, I Heard A Lion's sound is a rich and vibrant mix of West Coast energy, Southern heart, and Midwestern honesty. 


$10 for +21
$15 for +18

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